So we finished the One Room Challenge Diva Vintage Glamour Den bedroom makeover last week and posted all the pretty pictures, but one DIY project got squeezed in at the last minute between weeks 7 and 8 and so we didn’t write about it during the official challenge posts. That was the decision to upholster the closet!
The closet was a disaster of epic proportions for a lot of reasons, and we weren’t sure we were even going to get to it before the reveal, but in a seredipitous twist, we ended up with juuuuust enough leftover fabric from the gorgeous draperies to cover the interior of the closet…it seemed like a sign :). And by just enough, I mean we had 6” left when we were done…
We had planned to cover the closet walls with fabric anyway because they are that horrid rough sand finish that takes the skin off your knuckles or snags delicate clothing if you brush against it (what WERE the builders thinking???). And the rough surface always seems to attract spiders - I guess it is ideal for attaching spider web. ANYWAY, it needed remediation in the form of fabric.
Cutting the fabric to length for the closet sections
A staple gun and a couple of hours transforms this closet!
The Diva supervising the closet upholstering. To be fair, she was also on camera duty!
SO at about 10 pm two days before the photo shoot armed with a tape measure, scissors, and an electric staple gun, I set about to cover the Pepto Bismol pink walls. If I was doing it right, I’d have taken out all the supports and interior trim and reinstalled them over the fabric - it would have been neater and cleaner, but no time for that, so we did the shortcut of just covering it in sections with the raw edges folded under and cutting around the supports. I also didn’t have enough fabric to match the pattern at the corners, but it’s fine (don’t look toooo closely!)
I have done this before in other closets with the unpleasant rough textured finish and used batting under the fabric, but that’s not totally necessary. Our fabric was so patterned and varied that the staples don’t show, but you can also either paint the staple strips the same color as your fabric for camouflage, or plan to cover the stapled edges with gimp, welting, or narrow ribbon trim.
Tada! The newly upholstered closet!
We have plans to add some more organization to the closet - the Diva has a few more things that need to live in there than we show in the photos, but I love the pretty surprise of opening the closet to discover such a fun pattern!