Well, it’s week 3 of the One Room Challenge Dressing Room Do-Over and it has been a good news/bad news kind of week! We’ve hit a few hiccups…pivot seems to be the word of the year, so here is the saga of what happened to our ‘best laid plans’ in our ORC project this week.
If you are just finding us and have no idea what I’m talking about, you can read about the One Room Challenge room makeover event and a little about me in the Week 1 post. That is also where the embarrassing BEFORE pictures are posted for all the world to see?!
The One Room Challenge happens twice a year and we are almost halfway thru the 8 week time frame to finish a space and we are NOWHERE NEAR halfway done!
You can catch up on the first two weeks of the Dressing Room Do Over here:
But come back to finish the tale of what’s happened this week.
I planned on redoing my floodwater draperies that have been driving me nuts for years as part of this challenge. I’ve loved my current custom panels (or at least I did until I shrunk them). They were made using matelasse coverlets with a scalloped edge and I kept the finished scallops for the leading edges and hems of the panels. The tops had goblet pleats with covered buttons.
Matelasse curtain panels with goblet pleats with covered buttons, scalloped leading edges and hems
I intended to replace them with pretty much the same thing only the right length (classic never gets old!) except…except except except I couldn’t get coverlets with a scalloped edge any more. Coverlets are a great way to get a lot of yardage for a reasonable price. A king coverlet is the equivalent of about 5 to 6 yds of 54” fabric. I’ve used them for upholstery, slipcovers, tableskirts, and window panels before!
SO I ordered matelasse coverlets from The Company Store. They make beautiful things and I used these same coverlets in gold to upholster a headboard for the Spring ORC last year. They come in a whole bunch of colors. I ordered the white and they came this week.
I was in the throes of selecting some pale aqua trim to zshush them up since they are not scalloped, but when I brought them up to check everything together, they had seams I was not anticipating and they were SOOOOO white. Way more blinding white than my current ones and way whiter than my white bedding or my white painted trim. Ugh. I need a softer white (and something that doesn’t have those pesky seams) or a new plan.
Tape trims in shades of aqua
I’m quite attached to the trims - especially that ribbon one with the little picot edge (hello and yes to anything resembling a scalloped shape!). I’m going to need to find a way to incorporate some of that somewhere!
Then I came across a fabric that is sooooo me and just too perfect not to use. It is an embroidered linen in exactly the much beloved color of my walls with a white and cream embroidered floral/vine pattern. I love these colors, and I luuuurve embroidered fabrics and I can’t believe I don’t have any window treatments in my house made from them?! All that to say, the fate of my curtains is sealed!
In the end I will have something that looks totally new and is still classic, so win/win!
Gorgeous embroidered linen in the PERFECT colors for the Dressing Room Do Over window curtains.
This week also saw the delivery of some of my specialty closet components… my scarf holder contraption and my jewelry drawer liners arrived. Woohoo! I’ve started loading up the jewelry trays already. My Mom gifted me with a lot of her jewelry recently that my Dad has given her over the years, so it has special meaning for me and deserves a perfect storage place.
velvet lined jewelry organizers in a pretty tiffany blue
pull out pant/scarf holder
It has occurred to me that a smaller version of the pant/scarf holder would be an excellent storage solution for tablecloths in a butlers pantry …#dreamhousegoals
The less good news is that the plywood my carpenter needs to build the actual closet built-ins seems to be scarce and he’s having trouble locating what he needs. AND he’s backed up so I’m in the queue, but probably 4 weeks from install best case, which means the full reveal will probably be a LITTLE late since I have to paint it and load it up and photograph it all after it is installed. Patience was already a virtue of mine, I really didn’t need any more practice…
In the meantime, be sure to check out the inspiration and progress of the rest of the One Room Challenge participants HERE!
I’m off to the Highpoint Market home furnishings show for the rest of this week and part of next, so check my instagram stories to see all the excitement and new introductions! With over 10 MILLION square feet of space and over 2000 exhibitors there is a LOT to see and a LOT of walking…it should be pretty easy to get in all the steps I could want and then some! Eeeek! I’m so excited so see everyone and everything!
Until next time,