Our 2020 Year End Review…
Well, for most people seeing 2020 in the rear view mirror is long overdue. It has been what some have aptly described as a “dumpster fire” of a year. Here is a look at the good, the bad, and the ugly from 2020.
Admittedly, much of 2020 falls into the bad and ugly categories. We lost time and the cherished ritual of sharing around a table with some of our dearest family. Many people lost loved ones. We lost countless hours tracking orders, reselecting, returning, replacing, repairing and all the other “re’s“ that come with major supply chain disruptions. We lost our collective freedom to go out, and doing the simplest of tasks got harder. We lost smiles behind masks, and hugs and handshakes to social distancing. We lost track of what day it was and what time it was. And adding insult to injury, we lost our internet connection. Twice.
Thanksgiving Dinner all packed up for delivery to my parents. This was the first year in my life we have not sat down to eat together on Thanksgiving.
This has been a year weathered better by introverts, I think. Introverts win at quarantining, but even we have our limits.
2020 quarantine orders have highlighted the paramount importance of having a home that supports and elevates everyday living. We’ve all learned a lot, though.
Here are our top 12 takeaways from 2020
We’ve learned that we don’t actually need everything we thought we did and that relationships are far more important than things…except maybe toilet paper. Toilet paper is right up there as an important thing.
ICYMI, here is our look at other pandemic color pairings…some turned out to be less urgent than others
We’ve learned the approximate length of songs like Happy Birthday and Twinkle Twinkle Little Star and that they are the standard accompaniment track to hand-washing.
We’ve learned that the great outdoors really IS great. Walking outside is life-giving, and at home, outside seating is more important than ever. And a patio heater (meet Percy) is an essential appliance…at least in the northeast!
We’ve learned the art of zooming…and what a ring light is for. Hint: it keeps the ransom-video-look at bay
We’ve learned that Blursday might be an actual day of the week and that working from home is not all bad…no commuting time AND yoga pants (or maybe pants really ARE optional). And also that it is really important to separate work time from home time especially if it all happens in the same place.
We’ve seen evidence that the open plan houses everyone thought they wanted were maybe not the best idea…unless you live alone. Too much forced togetherness is…too much.
We’ve learned that grocery delivery is an adventure. every time. Will you get 7 bagels or 7 BAGS of bagels?…4 single zucchini or will you be googling “zucchini recipes” for the next 2 weeks straight because you got 4 BAGS of zucchini? Forget #newmath, we need #grocerymath because…
We’ve embraced ordering online and found out that 7 pounds of puffed rice is just too much puffed rice for anyone, even if it vaulted you into free delivery territory. And that 25 pounds of black beans is less unreasonable than it looks - it’s about a years supply and it IS shelf stable…much more so than puffed rice, as it turns out, however…
We’ve also learned that a toilet paper shortage and a bean surplus is a frightening combination.
We have learned that the Instantpot is a really useful appliance that has earned its precious spot on the counter…the jury is still out on the Soda Stream (though it does make very pleasant fizzy water)
We have learned that living with only what “sparks joy” is of paramount importance when you are looking at it all. day. long.
We’ve learned that attitude is everything…and you can choose yours. Choose gratitude over worry, love over hate, and empathy over apathy
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And while we did not find ourselves with a ton of extra time on our hands, everyone got a pass the first few weeks of the pandemic like some extended snow day and we got stuff done that we’d been planning to do for a long time, like…
We launched our virtual services and that means we have been able to help clients across the country solve design dilemmas, style shelves, hang gallery walls, and select paint colors all via zoom, face-time, and email.
And we launched our first digital download product - our “how to” guide to selecting paint colors with confidence.
For less than the cost of a can of paint, get your colors right the FIRST time! Everything you need to know about choosing the right paint colors and finishes.
We jumped into the bi-annual One Room Challenge for the first time this year and completed a bedroom makeover in our own house in the spring challenge and our home office overhaul in the fall one.
Vintage Diva Glamour Den Bedroom Makeover for the Spring 2020 ORC
The upholstered closet in the Spring 2020 ORC
ORC Fall 2020 Project #OOO (Overdue Office Overhaul)
We wrapped up a few ongoing projects and started many new projects - some are still in progress, and we look forward to photographing those to share with you in the coming year.
A revitalized and elegant great room, for more pictures of this great room project check THIS post
A spa-like master bath retreat, before and after photos HERE
A warm and welcoming sitting room (more before and after photos HERE)
We hung a LOT of art helping re-nested clients to feel at home in their new spaces. We helped several select clients stage their homes for a quick and profitable sale.
A staging project that sold immediately for over the asking price (more before and after images HERE)
And we had the opportunity to bring some much needed joy this year to our commercial clients with expanded holiday decor installations.
This year has certainly been a learning year. Nothing crystallizes and prioritizes what is most important like a major crisis, and if nothing else, we’ve all been forced to learn a little patience.
Even with the many challenges of 2020, there has been the silver lining of tasks accomplished, relationships rekindled, and bonus time with my children to be thankful for. We enter 2021 filled with hope, anticipating new adventures, and excited about new projects. And we look forward to the opportunity to make new precious memories with loved ones far and near.