Fall is most definitely here…it is sweater and boots weather in New England, and that means fall colors, fall{ing} leaves, shorter days, and, of course, fall decor with natures bounty! Today I’m taking you on a mini tour of some of our easy fall decor - hopefully something will inspire you to add a little fall to YOUR home!
Just like we planned back in August, we are sprucing up the back deck to extend our outdoor entertaining season and we’ve added patio light strings so we can use it after dusk, and more importantly, a propane powered patio heater. We named him Percy - short for Percival R Calcifer IV (don’t ask…no particular reason for that name, we just like to name our inanimate objects, and our plants, and our regularly visiting woodland creatures…). Percy looks quite stiff and proper, but he is totally pulling his weight! Turned up to high, he keeps about a 12 foot radius pretty toasty on our cooler days.!
The Diva and the Pianist (my kids!) assembling the patio heater
Basking in the warm glow of a patio heater assembly job well done!
If Percy remains up to the task, we are planning on hosting the worlds smallest Christmas Market on our deck this winter! Inspired by our Berlin adventures and because we seem to be grounded for the foreseeable future, we hope to bring a tiny taste of the German Christmas Markets to our backyard…I can’t import my favorite unpronounceable Czech pastry from the Alexanderplatz Market, but Glühwein, we can do!
Our resident red squirrel INSISTS on hiding her breadcrumbs in the hanging plants on the deck…
The Diva says our backyard nature is broken…the birds and animals that visit the deck constantly are not the least bit intimidated by us so she may be right! And Glinda, our insane red squirrel, absolutely insists that the breadcrumbs we put out for the birds belong in the hanging plants. Backyard nature is fun to watch though, and we are thoroughly enjoying the show!
fall decor from the nursery warehouse
We’ve also made a mecca to the wholesaler to procure mums and pumpkins and yes, kale.
The changeover to fall colors on my deck is a little problematic because my bright pink mandevilla plants are still going strong, and I am loathe to murder ANY plant that survives and thrives in spite of me! So we have a bit of, shall we say, an eclectic color scheme going as they are currently keeping company with my yellow and orange and dark red mums and a variety of pumpkins!
The bright pink Mandevilla from summer giving our fall colors the side-eye!
Pumpkins come in SO many colors, who knew?! I love the white and green ones, and these new bright yellow ones are striking!
These flat-ish white pumpkins are perfect for stacking!
The front of the house got a bit of fall-ifying too. The hydrangea bushes in the urns got promoted to the garden and kale and yellow mums have taken up residence there instead.
yes, I bought kale…no, not to eat
And the door got a basket of faux bittersweet and sunflowers and a big burlap, gold, and orange bow. Hanging on the outside of the storm door rather than between the doors gives door decor more visibility as well as more breathing room. I thread the ribbon over the top of the storm door and tie it to a piece of the hardware at the top center on the inside. For steel door frames, a strong magnetic hook might work also.
An arrangement of faux sunflowers and bittersweet in a conical metal wall basket hangs on the door.
Inside, grocery store bouquets as well as dried money plant and chinese lanterns from my mom’s garden fill the vases.
These striking fall colored flowers were in a grocery store bouquet a guest gifted to us when she came for a visit on our deck…afternoon tea with Percy attending!
These gorgeous fall flowers are in a grocery store bouquet we received as a lovely hostess gift.
My Mom can grow anything and she has the most beautiful gardens. I did not inherit this talent, but I am often the beneficiary of her bounty! This year she gave me these dried Chinese lanterns that look so perfect, they could be crafted from paper, and an enormous bundle of money plant that when dried, can be rubbed to remove the outer husks on the leaves revealing these translucent centers that remind me of capiz shells! They make an artful fall display arranged together in a vintage ironstone pitcher.
In addition to the touches of fall around the inside and outside of the house, we also love to fill the house with fall aromas this time of year - carrot cake or apple delicacies baking, or squash soup or spiced cider or mulled wine simmering on the stove. Fall is a feast for all the senses!
How do you celebrate the fall season in your home?
Looking for more fall decor inspiration? You might enjoy these: