I am beginning a new regular series today called Simple Joys all about incorporating simple things to elevate the everyday. The art of living well is not about having endless money or access to the best of the best. It is about living with intention and attention to the details of life. It is about taking the ordinary things of life and making them into something more extraordinary - something that brings joy. And this, I believe, is the essence of living graciously.
My simple joy today is tea. From a real teacup, when I am fantasizing about being royalty, albeit royalty without the staff…or from one of my favorite mugs.
Sure, you can drink your morning tea (or coffee, if you are like most people) from styrofoam or paper if you must, but it is not at all the same experience. Sitting down to drink it unhurried from a beautiful porcelain teacup or even a mug that makes you smile is worth the few extra minutes AND it tastes better too. Stop and slow down, preferably someplace with a nice view. Savor the pleasure. Have a moment of gratitude for Brad, the Instacart delivery guy, for those lovely people in Ireland that know how to blend a perfect hearty breakfast tea, and give thanks that someone somewhere accidentally dropped some leaves into boiling water once upon a time, probably.
Side note: I nearly had a personal crisis earlier this week when I was down to my very last Irish breakfast teabag with Brad, the instacart grocery order delivery guy, my one hope of getting more. Brad came through triumphant, and my sanity and preferred caffeine delivery method have been restored. I so miss being able to just pop over to the grocery store to get what you need or want instead of waiting hours in line suited up like sci-fi film extras, or days for a delivery slot.
Given my addiction to tea, it will come as no shock that I also collect teacups. Once word was out that I liked them, people started gifting me teapots or teacups and so I now have a rather sizable and sentimental collection of them that I relish using regularly. Every morning (and often multiple other times during the day) I make a pot of Irish Breakfast tea and drink it all. Sometimes I even share.
These 5-tier teacup stands are a great way to store and display teacups. I use them in my {overcrowded} china cabinet as well as on my sideboard when entertaining so guests can select their favorites.
In a stroke of thoughtful genius, my daughter recently gifted one of her friends who is an avid tea drinker with this beautiful Bavarian teacup she found on Etsy. She had it sent to her in her apartment in NYC where she has been holed up for weeks unable to leave. She desperately needed an infusion of simple joy and it came in the form of a teacup!
Do you have a favorite cup or mug? A set of china that you love? Don’t save it for a special occasion. Be intentional and make every day an occasion, because it truly can be!
Break out the “good” dishes and USE them!
Elevate the everyday.
Other posts you might enjoy: Tips for Gracious Living (royal title optional)
Intricate miniature teapots and a porcelain figurine