Happy Spring y’all! In addition to hunting for elusive chicken and TP before we have hit crisis levels, we are in the throes of inspiration for the upcoming One Room Challenge! For those of you who have NO idea what I’m talking about, the One Room Challenge is a project conceived by Linda Weinstein in 2011 and has been taking place each April and October ever since. Designers and bloggers from around the country each plan and execute the design of one space over a single 6 week period. This spring, in light of the extra challenges posed by the current pandemic, the ORC has been extended from the usual 6 weeks to 8 weeks. Twenty designers who are veterans of the ORC are chosen each round to be the featured designers for the challenge and many, many others register as guest participants. All of the participants link up to the ORC website to post their progress stories once a week. And there is much camaraderie and celebration as the finished rooms are revealed on the final week.
I’m excited to be participating for the first time this spring. I’m dipping my toe into the ORC pool with a bedroom/guestroom makeover. We’ll be upgrading my daughters bedroom for her current use and in preparation for its eventual use as a guest room. Step one will be editing the overwhelming amount of STUFF she has accumulated - that alone would be a worthwhile endeavor during our pandemic staycation, but we expect/hope to take it several steps further to create a wonderful bedroom retreat. Many of you have already “met” my daughter through her guest posts or in my German travelogue here last December. She is brilliant, beautiful, hilarious, and creative and we are actually having a lot of fun “sheltering in place” together in this weird new reality. She is also an opera singer, voice teacher (currently conducting her lessons via zoom), and vintage hat collector. It is the vintage hat collection that has sparked the design direction for the room, thus we are counting down the timeline to the start of the challenge with Jenna, AKA the Diva, modeling a different hat from her collection each day :-). I’ve paired each hat with a potential color palette…and you’ll just have to wait to see where the hats end up and what colors we land on for the room!
The One Room Challenge Countdown…14 days…
The One Room Challenge Countdown…13 days…
The Vintage Diva Glamour Den One Room Challenge Project is about to begin!
Subscribe to the NestFeathers Blog to follow our progress and get some design tips and ideas along the way, and follow us on IG or FB for the low down on how it’s all going and just how much of a mess we are making!