Project in Progress: A sneak peek at a garden inspired library project.
Read MoreRenovating a Small Kitchen for Maximum Impact
We’ve been working on a small kitchen Reno this week…here’s the project outline and where it stands…
Read MoreProject in Progress: A Fabulous Farmhouse Update
We did a site visit this week to check in on our antique farmhouse project…here is a peek at how it is coming along…
Read MoreOne Room Challenge: Planning a Closet Layout
Well…we are in the second week of the Dressing Room Do-Over ORC challenge and we’ve made some progress! This week was all about planning and measuring for personalized storage and selecting some neat components to make the most of the available closet space…here is what we decided on…
Read MoreCustom Design Elements
Custom window treatments, built-ins, or upholstery are often on the drawing board at JRL Interiors. Here is a sneak peek into what we are working on at the moment for 3 different clients…
Read MoreCreating a Chic, Elegant Home Office
WFH never looked so good! Come take a peek at a home office project in progress with fun, feminine flair…
Read MoreProject in Progress: Farmhouse Bathroom
We are working on the designs for a whole antique farmhouse renovation. Here is a peek at the main bathroom options under consideration…
Read MoreFixing a Kitchen Layout
Probably the most rewarding part of being a designer is being able to make wishes come true. I have been working with a couple on a new-build project and have been able to see them go from “we’ll figure out a way to work with it, I guess” to ““we are so excited and can’t wait to see our new kitchen”…here is how we helped that happen…
Read MoreProject in Progress: Farmhouse Update
We are currently working on a fun farmhouse project and wanted to share a peek behind the scenes…
Read MoreProject in Progress: Blue and Taupe Textiles for a Fresh New Home
We’ve been working away on this New Build project for nearly a year now from modifying the builder plans to selecting the furnishings and finishes. And we are finally getting close to the finish line…
Read MoreOne Room Challenge Project #OOO Week 5
Welcome to week 5 of the One Room Challenge - challenge being the operative word! This is only my second time participating. I brilliantly picked a pandemic year to jump into this challenge….might as well add a little more chaos to life, why not, right? …
Read MoreOne Room Challenge Project #OOO Week 4
Week 4 of the Overdue Office Overhaul is here…whaaat??? Holy cow, I’m going to be working out of this office space soon…This week the cleaning out has reached NEARLY the end and soon it will be all done and clean and ready for paint. It has been quite the archeological dig…I
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