ORC Week 5 fall 2023: Recipe for Renewal Kitchen Refresh, the pretty is in progress!
It’s past the halfway point of the fall 2023 One Room Challenge…yikes! We are refreshing our kitchen for this challenge from VERY old and dated to an elegant, functional, and stylish space with a classic fresh traditional look.
If you’ve missed the first 4 weeks with updates on progress, hiccups, and the horrifying “before” pictures, you can find those here:
Week 1 with the before pictures that put the ’challenge’ in one room challenge!
Week 2 with the saga of the hood and an update on the the possessed appliances
Week 3 with the decisions still to be made and our process for choosing patterns
Week 4 with progress! Yay! we can move most of the stuff back from the various other rooms?!
I’m already loving all the changes in the kitchen…it’s going to be SOOOOO pretty when it’s done!
The yard sale look in my dining room has abated as we’ve moved most of the stuff back to its homes in the kitchen and given some extra things away on the local Buy Nothing FB group.
The next two weeks I’m traveling. In fact, I’m on airport wifi right now eating surprisingly good pizza at a place across from my gate! But important stuff will be happening in my absence!
The table update
I am keeping my table because:
The size is right (36”, which is the biggest I could possibly have, honestly, technically too big for the space, but workable)
The shape is right (round, because it allows me to use larger than I should LOL)
It is a solid wood (HEAVY - ask me how I know?!) table
It is a pedestal table, so the chairs can go anywhere without worrying about legs.
It came with a “distressed” white finish and I painted the top and added writing to the edge back years ago. Twenty years later it is considerably more distressed, bordering on hysterical, having lived through raising two kids 🤣. The glimpse in the corner of this picture is the only before picture of its sorry state that I could find.
I delivered the table to the painter and she’s working on sanding it down and making it a pretty green color with a sturdy finish, using the Sayerlack paint brand we used for the cabinets.
We selected Benjamin Moore central park for the table which was chosen to work with the wallpaper we used in the back of the open shelves and the fabric for the window.
The range hood
The replacement unfinished hood arrived yesterday and before the driver left, I opened it and measured it this time and it was the correct size. Phew!
I delivered it and its trim to the painter yesterday and by the time I come home it will be ready for installation.
The window treatment
And yesterday, while waiting for the delivery truck, I approved the fabric cuttings for the window treatments so those shipped to the workroom today.
This is the rendering from the work order that I sent. The fabric, is the matching pattern to the wallpaper which I looooooove, and I’m banding the edges in a solid green.
The stove
AND, earlier this week I ordered the range…which sadly, will not come in time for the challenge deadline, but will hopefully be in before the holidays. More about that next week.
I’ll be back next week writing from Berlin, Germany with more on the remaining details to get finished up.
For more inspiration, check out the progress from the other participants in this One Room Challenge HERE